> 文章列表 > 春节是否还贴对联英语




When it comes to the tradition of \"贴春联\", we can say \"Pasting Spring Couplets\" or \"put up Spring Festival couplets\" in English. It is a common practice during the Spring Festival for Chinese families to decorate their houses with auspicious couplets written on red paper. These couplets symbolize good luck and prosperity for the upcoming year.


春节 The Spring Festival, 农历 lunar calendar, 正月 lunar January; the first month by the lunar calendar, 除夕 New Year\'s Eve, 初一 The first day of a month on the lunar calendar, 红包 red envelope, 烟花 fireworks, 守岁 to stay up late on New Year\'s Eve, 拜年 pay a New Year\'s visit, 年夜饭 New Year\'s Eve dinner, 鞭炮 firecrackers.

The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most important traditional festival in China. It is based on the lunar calendar and typically falls between January and February. During this festive season, families gather together to celebrate and participate in various customs and traditions. One of the most significant activities is \"贴春联,\" which involves putting up Spring Festival couplets. These couplets are usually hung on both sides of the door, and they contain auspicious phrases and wishes for the upcoming year.


1. Lion dancing: In Chinese culture, lion dances are performed to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits. It is a lively and entertaining activity during the Spring Festival.2. 喧闹的锣鼓: Deafening sounds from gongs and drums. These loud and rhythmic beats are believed to drive away evil spirits and bring joy and happiness.3. 拜年: Exchange visits. During the Spring Festival, it is customary for people to visit their relatives, friends, and neighbors to say greetings and exchange good wishes for the new year.4. 贴中国画: Paste the Chinese character \"福\" on doors and windows. This character represents good fortune and is believed to bring blessings to the household.5. 放鞭炮: Set off firecrackers. This tradition is believed to scare away evil spirits and bring in good luck for the new year. However, it is important to note that the use of firecrackers is now regulated in many places due to safety concerns.


The most important festival in China, the Spring Festival, is known as the Chinese New Year in English. It is a time of family reunion, extensive celebrations, and various customs and traditions. During this festive period, people celebrate by posting pictures, couplets, and decorations. They also have special meals, exchange gifts, and engage in cultural performances such as lion dances and dragon dances.


Here are several English expressions related to the Spring Festival:

1. 贴春联: Paste the New Year couplets. This refers to the practice of hanging red scrolls with auspicious phrases written on them.2. 吃年夜饭: Have the New Year\'s Eve Dinner. This is a traditional meal enjoyed by families on the night before the Lunar New Year, symbolizing unity and good fortune.3. 看春节晚会: Watch the Spring Festival Gala. This is a grand TV show broadcasted on the Lunar New Year\'s Eve, featuring various performances, skits, and music.4. 放鞭炮、吃汤圆、发红包: Set off firecrackers, eat dumplings, hand out red envelopes. These three activities are commonly practiced during the Spring Festival to bring good luck and happiness.


1. 贴春联: Paste New Year\'s scrolls. This refers to the practice of hanging red scrolls with auspicious phrases written on them, which are believed to bring good luck and blessings for the new year.2. 春节是中国的传统节日: The Spring Festival is China\'s traditional festival. It is a time when families come together to celebrate and welcome the new year.3. 我每年都会过一个难忘的春节: Every year, I celebrate an unforgettable Spring Festival. This includes family reunions, festive meals, lighting firecrackers, and exchanging red envelopes.4. 除夕时,全家人会一起守岁: On New Year\'s Eve, my entire family stays up late to welcome the new year. We spend the night playing games, watching TV specials, and enjoying delicious traditional food.


1. The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most important traditional festival in China.2. During the Spring Festival, families gather together to celebrate and participate in various customs and traditions.3. One of the customs is to paste Spring Festival couplets, which are red scrolls decorated with auspicious phrases, on the doors and windows.4. It is a joyous time of feasting, exchanging gifts, and wishing each other good fortune for the upcoming year.


1. 贴春联: Paste Spring Festival couplets. It is common to hang red scrolls with auspicious phrases on the doors and windows to bring good luck and blessings.2. 年夜饭: New Year\'s Eve dinner. Families gather for a feast on the eve of the Lunar New Year, symbolizing unity and good fortune.3. 吃饺子: Eat dumplings. Dumplings are a traditional food during the Spring Festival, and their shape resembles a gold ingot, symbolizing wealth and prosperity.4. 春节联欢晚会: Spring Festival Gala. This is a grand TV show broadcasted on the Lunar New Year\'s Eve, featuring various performances, skits, and music.5. 放鞭炮: Set off firecrackers. It is believed to scare away evil spirits and bring good luck and fortune for the new year.


There are various customs and traditions associated with the Spring Festival:

1. 扫尘: Sweeping away the dust. Before the Spring Festival, people clean their houses from top to bottom as a way to remove bad luck and welcome good fortune.2. 贴春联: Putting up Spring Festival couplets. These red scrolls with auspicious phrases are hung on doors and walls to bring blessings and good luck for the new year.3. 年画: New Year paintings. Colorful paintings depicting mythical creatures, folklore, or scenes of prosperity are displayed during the Spring Festival.4. 守岁: Staying up late on New Year\'s Eve. It is believed that staying awake during the transition into the new year will bring longevity and good fortune.5. 红包: Red envelopes. These are monetary gifts given to children and unmarried individuals as a symbol of good luck and blessings.6. 放鞭炮: Setting off firecrackers. The loud noises and bright lights from firecrackers are believed to scare away evil spirits and bring joy and happiness for the new year.