> 文章列表 > 春节拜年风俗介绍英文




The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is a traditional and ancient festival in China. It is the most important celebration of the year and is celebrated on the first day of the lunar calendar. The festival is filled with a variety of colorful and vibrant customs and traditions.

One of the most well-known customs during the Spring Festival is the tradition of giving and receiving red envelopes, also known as \"hongbao\" in Chinese. Red envelopes contain money and are given by married couples or older family members to younger ones. The red color symbolizes good luck and blessings for the coming year.

Another popular custom is the practice of decorating homes with red paper-cuttings, couplets, and lanterns. These decorations are believed to bring good fortune and drive away evil spirits. The door god, known as \"chunlian\" in Chinese, is also pasted on doors to protect the household from negative energy.

Fireworks and firecrackers are another integral part of the Spring Festival celebrations. The loud noise and bright lights are believed to scare away evil spirits and bring luck and prosperity for the upcoming year. However, due to environmental and safety concerns, the use of fireworks has been restricted in many cities in recent years.

The reunion dinner, also known as \"nianyefan\" in Chinese, is a significant part of the Spring Festival. Families come together to enjoy a lavish feast, often consisting of traditional dishes such as fish, dumplings, and niangao (sticky rice cake). The dinner symbolizes family unity and the hopes for a prosperous year ahead.

The Lantern Festival, which marks the end of the Spring Festival celebrations, is another important event. People gather to watch lantern displays, solve riddles written on lanterns, and enjoy various cultural performances. Lanterns in different shapes and sizes are hung up or released into the sky, creating a beautiful and festive atmosphere.

Overall, the Spring Festival is a time for family reunion, food indulgence, and cultural festivities. It is a period filled with joy, traditions, and the anticipation of a prosperous and auspicious year ahead.